1. It’s not enough to just use AI, you need to know how it integrates with everything else in your business.
  2. Be careful what and how much information AI collects.
  3. Be AWARE what AI does with the information once collected.
  4. If you use AI for content creation or other creative work, you MUST verify that the work created is NOT infringing on someone’s copyright and/or trademark.
  5. If you use AI in your business, you MUST have an AI Governance Policy to set the rules for its use.
  6. If you sell AI services, you MUST share AI Governance Policy with your customers.

AI Governance Policies are just as legally important as having a Privacy Policy and Terms of Use to protect your business.  If you are missing any, you may be at risk.

Any questions? Contact me/Contácteme/Contactez-Moi

#gloverdichterpl #AIgovernance #AIcompliance

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NO AI TRAINING: Without in any way limiting the author’s [and publisher’s] exclusive rights under copyright, any use of this publication to “train” generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to generate text is expressly prohibited. The author reserves all rights to license uses of this work for generative AI training and development of machine learning language models.