Terms of Use v. Privacy Policy©

Legal Chat – Charla Legal – Chat Juridique™ TOP TIPS Both are legally binding contracts between business and users Terms of Use: Rules for using the website, apps, platforms, etc. that provide… Privacy Policies: LEGALLY REQUIRED!!! What Personal Identifiable Information (PII) is collected? Why is the PII collected? Is the PII shared, sold and with/to […]

What to do with a “WARNING LETTER?”

DON’T IGNORE THEM!!! What are warning letters? They are letters from federal agencies informing you of legal violations.   The good about warning letters is that they probably give your business the opportunity to rectify the legal situation. The bad about warning letters is that businesses get them because having committed legal violations. The ugly […]

Who can sue your business for #adlaw violations?©

Everybody and anybody who… How to minimize such risk?  Have your marketing reviewed for legal compliance! Any questions? Contact me/Contácteme/Contactez-Moi #gloverdichterpl #adlaw Attorney advertising

Why do IP clearances©

The short answer is to minimize legal risk from marketing assets. As an advertising law attorney, I review all marketing assets for legal compliance.  Part of my review includes IP clearances to make sure that the marketer has the necessary authorization to use the video, photo, music, whatever protected IP materials may be included. Contrary […]

Cannabis packaging and marketing…

The FDA and FTC sent Cease and Desist letter to six (6) cannabis businesses for unfair and deceptive marketing of edible products. According to the letters, these cannabis businesses were packaging their CBD edibles in similar and recognizable kid snacks packaging.   Unfortunately,  “Children are more vulnerable than adults to the effects of THC, with […]

Privacy lawsuits really happen!

What triggers privacy based lawsuits?  Two main triggers seem to be: We all heard, and probably experienced, data breaches.  It seems I get such notifications much too often for comfort.  Businesses need strong privacy policies and cybersecurity policies to protect themselves.   Most importantly, it’s not just about protecting businesses, but also being responsible for […]

Let’s talk website legal compliance…

This is your friendly reminder to have your website reviewed for legal compliance every quarter.   The law changes often and websites must keep up with legal changes.  Websites must be legally compliant with Ad Law, Marketing Law, Promotions Law, Intellectual Property Law, Privacy Law, and ADA legal online compliance at all times. When was […]

Cannabis packaging and marketing…

The FDA and FTC sent Cease and Desist letter to six (6) cannabis businesses for unfair and deceptive marketing of edible products. According to the letters, these cannabis businesses were packaging their CBD edibles in similar and recognizable kid snacks packaging.   Unfortunately,  “Children are more vulnerable than adults to the effects of THC, with […]